Our recent stop off in Queensland, Australia seems almost a millennia ago. But now we continue our adventures to the other side of Australia, visiting the beloved Perth.
Perth is a hidden gem, with the benefit of having the Indian Ocean hugging its shores. Two years ago we ventured to WA with no expectations at all and as those two years have passed, I happily call this beautiful city my second home. If you ever plan to make it over to Perth, let us give you a few of our reasons we love Perth so much.
The last time I was here, this was very much still a construction site hiding a masterpiece in the making. In two years the construction site is now more and in its place, a stunning quayside showing the true beauties of Perth City. Whether you’re just after a trip on the ferries or a bite to eat in the sun, the new and improved Elizabeth Quay is the place to go. The regeneration gives Perth City the shiny entrance it always needed, whilst making the swan river look far more stunning than ever.
Other additional activities around the Quay include, ferry trips to the other side of the river, where the Perth Zoo is based (a must see also if you have time. But along with having Ferries to the other side, you can also get a direct trip to Fremantle or better, Rottnest Island – off the coast of Western Australia.
LAPUTA Premium Buffet
With the support of the new lord mayor of Perth, the food industry continues to expand in a really brilliant way. During our stay we got to explore some of the best places to get a bite in and around the city. And within the city walls themselves, you will discover a multitude of restaurants of different cultural backgrounds.
For those that really want to fill a hole, we discovered the gem that is LAPUTA, the premium buffet. At $60 a head you can indulge in some of the finest made Japanese cuisine in Perth, until you can’t take another bite.
One of the masterminds behind this epic restaurant was Chef Vincent Lim, one of the most passionate chef’s I have ever encountered. Expressing his vision and true heart, LAPUTA arose, to give the locals a true taste of fine Japanese cuisine. Having been involved in the photography of the restaurant it was an honour and a joy to work with such talented group of people in Perth, passionate about cooking great dishes for the masses.
Kings Park
Even if heading to local parks is not really your thing, heading to Kings Park in Perth is always an absolute must do! Kings Park and botanical garden is located on the western edge of the business district of Perth, mixed with all types of parked grassland, botanical gardens and that natural bushland you’ll always find in Australia.
Bigger than Hyde Park in New York, Kings Park is also home to the state war memorial, which many come to on the Anzac day dawn service, held on the 25th April each year.
Head to the top for unreal views of the swan river and the Darling Range (low escarpment that runs from north-south of the swan coastal plain), as well as panoramic views of Perth city itself.
On a beautiful sunny day you will easily be spending hours watching the city flow through the day, or the boats coasting across the swan river.
Fremantle, Western Australia
One of my favourite places in the Perth region, which I could happily spend hours on. Travel just a few miles out of Perth city and you will soon reach the beautiful coasts of Fremantle (known as Freo locally). Although it is predominantly a major Australian port city, Fremantle is full of, diverse restaurants, bars and of course, some of the best ocean views you will see.
If you’re not driving to Fremantle, there is always the Trans Perth train line, which terminates in the city of Fremantle. But on a good day I’d recommend the cycle route up to Fremantle instead, for that insane coastline view of the Indian Ocean.
I take myself back to my first trip to Perth and my first experience of Breakfest in 2014, and despite the unexpected heat stroke gained (being English I underestimated the intense heat, so do not make the same mistake), my boxing days will never be the same again.
This is an annual affair that kicks off every Boxing Day at the incredible Belvoir amphitheatre. This will be a boxing day like no other and the music will keep you going for hours on end. Its all about the breakbeats (hence the name) and this year sees artists such as Lady Waks, Krafty Kuts, as well some of the local talent (and great friends of mine) Miss Demeanour, Nishmann, Pussymittens and Sistym. If you’re in Perth for Christmas like I was, you need to be down the Belvoir Amphitheatre aswell!
I love Australia and I especially love Perth and all the amazing people I’ve met in my travels. When you make the journey to this side of the world, make sure you come back feeling like you wish you hadn’t.