The notorious Champagne day is almost upon us and we at Team Maketh are extremely excited for this day to come, to really enjoy the bubbles, bouquet scent and pear notes in a special way.

But before we delve into the beautiful flutes that await us, we have a little bit of fun we want to share with you.
If you love champagne as much as we do then look no further, for champagne bureau UK are celebrating Champagne day through an online treasure hunt in central London.
You don’t need to be the master of wine, or a celebrity to qualify for the Champagne day fun. All you need is a little knowledge of the London bar life and restaurants, with a little thirst for delicious bubbles.
To be in all the know about the Champagne day antics just Follow and tweet @Champagne_UK, guessing whereabouts we’ll be enjoying fantastic champagne at, with the #ChampagneTreasure. If your knowledge of London’s hotels, bars and restaurants is up to scratch, then you lucky challengers will be in the chance to win a bottle of wonderful champagne for yourself.
So get out there, tell a friend and we wish you good luck.