The Personal Barber (TPB) is making it their mission to bring back the prestige to shaving, and reminding you that it is not chore but something to look forward to. They provide you with all the kit you need to get started and each month you’ll receive shaving products. So have they succeeded?

In your first box you will always get a safety razor, brush and a card instructing you on the best having ritual along with a selection of shaving products. If you have only ever used cartridge razors before then using a safety razor for the first time may be a little daunting. I certainly found this and was super careful with using it at first, but honestly it is just as easy and I haven’t nicked myself once yet!

After my first shave my face and skin felt great and really smooth, and it is the best that I have ever felt after a shave. There real ly is something extra special about this way of shaving and having a wee ritual that goes along with it. After eight months of shaving this way I can say with certainty
that this is a feeling that lasts.

All of the products I have received have been great, so much so that you may think that you will find favourite product that you don’t want to stop using. This may be the case for you, but personally I love the variety and having new products to use.

The only negative thing I can say, and it isn’t even really a negative is that I only shave a couple of times a week and as such don’t get through all the products by the end of the month. I therefore have a bit of a backlog of creams, moisturisers and blades to get through. When your only complaint is that “I don’t shave enough to use up all your shaving goodies” you know the people at TPB are doing something right!

To sum up if you prefer the clean shaven look, then you should do yourself and you face a favour, ditch the cartridge razor and move to the more traditional safety razor for your wet shave, and there is no better way to get started than by signing up to
The Personal Barber (TPB) subscription box.