If its a late night boozy fill you are looking for or just a great american sandwich then make sure you visit Katz’s Delicatessen in New York. This place is famous for a certain scene in ‘When Harry meet Sally’ but the place has sooooo much more to it than a location shoot for a movie. The buzz about the deli is electric with everyone attending excited for the food that awaits them.
Of course since I am a massive corned beef fan, I went straight for that. Ordered with a side of gherkins, and some fried potatoes (with a healthy dollop of ketchup. VERY TASTY! Now I know some people in the UK only know corned beef as that strange stuff that comes from a tinned can, however in America its very different. Hot, salty, no fat and just delicious in a sandwich or even by its own. Its one of my favourite things to eat whilst in the states. Next time you visit NYC make sure it becomes one of your favourite things as well.