Two years in the making, and tickets finally purchased I was on my way to Glastonbury. Five days of camping, interesting toilet experiences and a lack of showers were ahead. However, that wasnt the hot topic pre-festival, the weather was firmly front of mind for all. If it stayed dry, everyone was happy, but the slightest drop of rain and everyone was panicking. As a result what clothes and footwear do you take? Decisions, decisions, decisions…
So I made one simply decision, get the best wellington boots I could that would survive ANY weather condition. When looking for the best wellies Hunter can be the only brand to consider. I decided on the rather grand titled Balmoral Royal boots, which came with extra comforting with luxury leather linings. This combined with the traditional Hunter craftsmanship actually made me excited to own and wear a pair of wellington boots (I didnt think I would ever say that).
Glastonbury was an experience! The sun shined, the rain came (for one night only), we danced, we sang, and stayed up until it was clearly too late to be up. What happens in Glastonbury, stays in Glastonbury, and due to the size and scale of the festival almost anything can happen there. However, the decision that I made to rock the Hunter boots made the wet and dry weather easy to deal with.
At the festival every act from The Rolling Stones to Bruce Forsyth were enjoyed, and enjoyed they were. So to summarise this post, pick your festival boots well, as they will be one of the most important pieces you will take with you.